Planned Burns On Pole Mountain And Medicine Bow National Forest
Laramie Ranger District fire crews will take advantage of favorable weather conditions in the next week or two to burn slash piles on the Pole Mountain unit of the Medicine Bow National Forest.
The piles are a result of hazard tree removal operations last winter by the U.S. Forest Service and the Wyoming Department of Transportation along Interstate 80 and Wyoming Highway 210 in southeast Wyoming.
Travelers along those routes, forest users, and the public should be aware of and expect to see smoke, as many piles will be burned along roadsides.
In addition to visibility from Interstate 80 and Wyoming Highway 210, smoke will also be seen from the Summit Rest Area facilities, Happy Jack Day-Use Area, and Tie City Day-Use Area.
Fire managers will monitor weather forecasts prior to igniting piles. Suitable weather will determine the exact dates of pile burning. Burns are only initiated if conditions are within established parameters for safe, effective fires. Wind, fuel moisture, staffing and amount of snow cover all play a factor in where and whether ignition occurs. Predicted weather needs to allow for safe burning and the elimination of any threat of fire spreading to surrounding vegetation.
A detailed burn plan is developed in advance, along with appropriate smoke permits obtained from state agencies.
Signs will be placed on adjacent roads notifying the public of the pile burning, and Public Information Officers will be stationed at high-traffic areas to help answer questions.
Additional inquiries should be directed to the Laramie Ranger District at (307) 745-2300 or at the District Office, 2468 Jackson St. in Laramie between normal office hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Information may also be found on the Forest Service website.