Lawsuit by Wyoming Mental Patient Left on Couch to Continue
CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — The Wyoming Supreme Court has partly upheld a lawsuit filed on behalf of a schizophrenia patient left on a dayroom couch without food or water for over 24 hours.
Wyoming State Hospital employees found Linda Gelok trembling, breathing rapidly and stinking of urine when maintenance staff said she needed to be moved so they could work on a television in 2015.
The justices ruled Oct. 11 that those and other agreed-upon facts sufficiently "shock the conscience" to allow a claim against hospital Administrator Paul Mullenax as a private individual.
The justices dismissed claims against the hospital, state Health Department and Mullenax in his official capacity.
Gelok attorney Doug Bailey says he's pleased the case continues.
Health Department spokeswoman Kim Deti says the agency continually reviews patient safety and supervision procedures.
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