The University of Wyoming Art Museum  has a new art exhibition titled "Talismans of Protection From Chosen Korea: Antique Locks, Latches and Key Charms. University of Wyoming Department of History Chair and Associate Professor Michael Brose will give a talk in conjunction with the new exhibit starting at 7pm this evening. The event is free and open to the public.

The new exhibition at the UW Art Museum features rare and antique metalwork from the Choson Dynasty of Korea (1393-1910). The Choson Dynasty was the last and longest reigning imperial dynasty of Korea. It was a period in time that was heavily influenced by Confucian ideology and emphasized artistic, scientific and cultural advances.

All of the pieces on display at the UW Art Museum are on loan from the Lock Museum in Seoul, Korea. Each one of the pieces is highly ornamental, richly decorated and many are made from precious metals. Each of the pieces come in various forms ranging from dragon and turtles to butterflies and are ornamental examples of traditional Korean aesthetic and craft traditions.

The Exhibit "Talismans of Protection From Choson Korea: Antique Locks, Latches and Key Charms" will also be the inspiration behind this years docent Christmas tree for the annual Festival of Trees. If you would like more information about the UW Art Museum visit their website, blog or call 307-766-6622.

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