Author's Note: We received multiple questions about the development on 287 next to the Port of Entry. To avoid redundancy, we have combined them into one post.


What is the large construction project taking place at the northeast corner of US 287 and Huron Street, just south of the DOT facilities? It started with a small milling outpost but now the whole field is being cleared, is there going to be something there?


"The work being conducted is associated with the development of the Timberline Business Park Preliminary Plat. Once a final plat is approved, it will subdivide the property into 29 lots for future development as I2 (industrial) and C2 (commercial) zoned properties. At this time, the city has no pending development applications within this area."

Ask the City Of Laramie is your chance to send the city that burning question that you have always wondered about such as: “Why are there so many potholes on Grand Avenue?” or “Why did my water usage rates go through the roof?”

Please note that the City of Laramie will answer as many questions as possible at their discretion.


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