Based on surveillance data, the thresholds have been reached to begin fogging operations to control mosquitos. Therefore, residential fogging will begin this evening, June 7th, weather permitting in the west zone.

Surveillance data indicate that the west zone has the greatest adult mosquito numbers and thus will be treated first. The west zone is everything in city limits west of the railroad tracks.

Applications will normally take place between the hours of 8 pm and 2 am from Sunday to Thursday for the early part of June. As temperatures rise throughout June, applications will change hours to 9 pm and 2 am, Sunday through Thursday.

Mosquito control fogging crews will be applying Zenivex E4 in residential areas, Parks, Recreation Areas, and on the Laramie River Greenbelt Trail.

Zenivex E4 contains a solution of 4% of the active ingredient Etofenprox with the remaining 96% being an oil-based carrier and is applied at the Ultra-Low Volume of 1.5 ounces per acre.

The fogging trucks will operate with a continuous amber strobe light on the cab as a caution device for motorists and pedestrians, and the fog will be clearly visible.

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