Wyoming lost a great musician.The drummer of Teenage Bottlerocket passed away last night. Brandon Carlisle will be missed. The doctors did all they could, but Brandon did not make it. We ask that you say a prayer or send some positive thoughts to the Carlisle and Teenage Bottlerocket family. This is the bands post on Facebook (mobile users will have to click the link.)

It is with the heaviest hearts that we have to report our beloved drummer Brandon didn't make it. The doctors did...

Posted by Teenage Bottlerocket on Friday, November 6, 2015



This past Tuesday Brandon was found unresponsive and subsequently hospitalized. He was put into a medically induced coma but was never able to recover. The punk community rallied around him putting together a GoFundMe page that raised over 30k in just a day. Twitter was flooded with support #HopeForBrandon from around the world. Another group created a t-shirt in his honor. Here are some of the tweets from this morning:


As a tribute to Brandon, please enjoy some of the videos from Teenage Bottlerocket. WARNING: This is punk rock so it is vulgar and may be considered offensive to some - Oi!!

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