A Senate committee has cleared bills in which Wyoming residents may be able to carry concealed handguns without permits.

In a 4-1 vote on Tuesday the Senate Revenue Committee recommended approval of Republican Senator Kit Jennings' bill which would allow citizens of Wyoming to carry concealed handguns without a permit. Currently residents of Wyoming are required to have a permit to be able to carry a concealed handgun.

Gun owners around Wyoming have voiced support for Jennings' bill which seems quite suitable for the outdoor lifestyle that many residents tend to live their life by. On the other end of the spectrum spokesmen for many police organizations have voiced opposition because carrying a concealed weapon without a permit could mean more safety issues for police.

Democratic Senator Chris Rothfuss of Laramie is also sponsoring a bill in which the Senate committee voted in approval of by a count of 4-1. His bill would set new state procedures for implementing a federal law in which retired law enforcement officers could also carry concealed handguns without the need of a permit.

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