14 Year Old From Thayne, Wyoming Shoots Massive Big Horn Sheep
A Big Horn Sheep hunt in Wyoming is the stuff of dreams for hunters across the world.
Not only is it a tag that is incredibly hard to draw, but the journey to find these animals often includes days of hard riding or hiking in the high elevations of Wyoming's rugged mountains.
14-year-old London drew her Big Horn Sheep tag this year, and she and her dad headed out on their hunt via horseback.
Take a look at this video that shows their journey and the massive Big Horn Sheep that she shot.
So many things to talk about...
First, I love how excited Zach (her dad) is to take her on this hunt, you can tell that he is loving every second of this.
And how about that shot? 430 yards and she got him exactly where she was supposed to.
Here pride as she approaches the animal and her dad's joy seriously brought a tear to my eye.
This is what hunting in Wyoming is all about...the journey into the wild, a good clean kill, and memories that will last a lifetime.

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