University of Wyoming employees will see pay raises of about $8 million starting July 1, under a plan to be presented to the Board of Trustees next week.

Under the plan, employees making less than $80,000 a year would get $1,900 raises and those making between $80,000 and $150,000 a year would get $1,400 raises, along with additional increases based upon merit, market, and compression issues.

For those near the bottom of the pay scale, making about $24,000 a year, the base increase would equate to about 8%.

"We have proposed a plan to address our most pressing compensation issues institution-wide while providing flexibility for supervisors at the unit level to direct dollars to where they’re needed most," said UW President Ed Seidel.

"We appreciate the support of the governor and lawmakers for these increases, which are just a start to address our significant compensation issues across the university," Seidel added.

This is the first broad-based raise for UW employees since the 2018-19 fiscal year.

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