Downtown Laramie Mash Up Promises Live Music, Entertainment for All Ages
There’s a myriad of things for Laramie residents to do during the annual Downtown Laramie Mash up this Friday, Sept. 13.
Trey Sherwood, executive director of the Laramie Main Street Alliance, said this year’s Mash Up is going to include more live music and performers for people to enjoy, including Jalan Crossland, the University of Wyoming Pep Band and Bar Band, opening bands Boogie Woogers and Tie Hacks, Las Vegas Magician John Rotellini –who is also the MC- and a live DJ to end off the night.
“We’ve got UW Athletics coming to hang out with us and the band and live music,” Sherwood said. “It’s going to be a wonderful Friday night.”
Sherwood said the Mash Up is the only fundraising event for the Laramie Main Street Alliance. She said the proceeds from the event - the cost of which is covered by a number of sponsors - go towards a number of projects the Laramie Main Street team do improve life in Laramie.
“We focus a lot on economic development -so coaching for small businesses, historic preservation to make sure our unique historic buildings remain in good shape,” Sherwood said. “But we also do a lot of fun things like the Laramie Mural project, the bike racks and then we are also gearing up to create a pedestrian-friendly Third Street and attract new development downtown.”
The Mash Up, Sherwood says, helps fund a lot of these projects. While the Mash Up is free for all to attend donation jars will be stationed around the downtown event and Sherwood hopes folks will donate if they can.
The Mash Up will allow residents to see local musicians free of charge. One example Sherwood gives is the Jalan Crossland Band. Sherwood says seeing the band, which has been a Wyoming favorite for over 10 years, usually involves a cover of $25 or more. Sherwood said the performance is even more significant considering the performance will be the second-to-last performance for the band, who will play for the last time in Lander on Sept. 22.
The Mash Up is also intended to introduce new UW students to the downtown area.
“I just want them to come and have a great time, to know downtown is a place you can hang out and socialize, where you can socialize and find your favorite restaurant of coffee shop,” Sherwood said. “We love to see friendships formed, new collaborations and for the students to feel like they can get involved in the community and make a difference while they are here attending the university.”
The Downtown Laramie Mash Up will begin this Friday, Sept. 15 at 7 p.m., after the Farmer’s Market.