Solar Competition Clouding Wyoming-to-California Wind PlansSolar Competition Clouding Wyoming-to-California Wind PlansRoad work for the Chokecherry and Sierra Madre wind farm began last year. Associated PressAssociated Press
Wyoming Power Plant Unit Plugged Back Into Full OperationWyoming Power Plant Unit Plugged Back Into Full OperationPacifiCorp spokesman David Eskelsen says the unit closure was based on state of Wyoming environmental requirements.Associated PressAssociated Press
UW Solar ResearchUW Solar ResearchThe professors discovered a way to increase the efficiency of solar cells by up to 700 percent. Sara TeterSara Teter
Power Outage Reported in Laramie [UPDATED]Power Outage Reported in Laramie [UPDATED]Weather conditions and the nature of the repairs may extend the outage beyond 10 p.m.Nick LearnedNick Learned
Lights Back On in Laramie After Many Lost Power [VIDEO]Lights Back On in Laramie After Many Lost Power [VIDEO]“It’s a good reminder to all of us that we should have emergency supplies ready in the event of an outage any time of year,” says Oler.Nick LearnedNick Learned