One of the sponsors of a bill in the Wyoming Legislature that would mandate a three-day waiting period on handgun purchases has issued a statement explaining why he supports the measure.

Rep. Dan Furphy (R-Albany County) issued the following statement on Sunday, Feb. 9 on Senate File 80:

“The rampant rise of suicides across the state of Wyoming, particularly among our young people, is a critical issue we as a state must address. Wyoming currently has the fourth-highest suicide rate per capita in the country. A group of high school students from my district earnestly and thoughtfully engaged on this issue, asking for my support. They pointed to studies which show a short waiting period to purchase a firearm can help prevent impulsive acts of violence, including suicides and mass shootings."
“In sponsoring this bill, I see this as an important opportunity to allow students to learn the legislative process while facilitating an important conversation in our state. That being said, I am a staunch supporter of our Second Amendment right to bear arms. I have heard concerns from the gun community about this bill infringing on these rights and will continue conversations regarding its implications.” 

Rep. Furphy is the sole Republican sponsor of the measure. Two Albany County Democrats--Sen. Chris Rothfuss and Rep. Cathy Connolly--are also sponsors.

Because the 2020 legislative session is a budget session, non-budget items such as Senate File 80 will need a 2/3 majority vote for introduction.

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