Small Game, Bird, and Fishing Licenses for 2015 Now Available
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department would like to remind hunters and anglers that they can now purchase small game and bird hunting licenses for 2015. Additionally, 2015 fishing licenses are on sale across the state. Those seeking a big game license in 2015 can begin applying online January 1, 2015.
“Next year is shaping up to be a good year for Wyoming’s sportsmen and women. Moisture has helped increase the number of deer and pronghorn fawns and fishing opportunities are incredible,” Game and Fish director Scott Talbott said. “I hope we can all get out and enjoy time with family and friends in the outdoors while creating lasting memories. I want to thank hunters and anglers because they continue to provide the vast majority of funding for Wyoming’s wildlife management. It is a partnership that does so much for our state.”
To purchase a bird, small game hunting or a fishing license go online to the Wyoming Game and Fish Department website, visit a local license selling agent in your community, or visit any Wyoming Game and Fish office.
Hunters and anglers should note that 2014 conservation stamps and most 2014 hunting and fishing licenses expire on December 31. The lone exception is that 2014 elk licenses will be valid in open areas in January due to the fact that a number of elk seasons extend into January. The Game and Fish will continue to sell 2014 elk licenses into January until the season for each hunt area is closed or the licenses sell out.
Hunters need to be aware that a 2015 conservation stamp will be required for most licenses beginning January 1, 2015, including those hunting on a 2014 elk license during the extended seasons.
Hunting seasons for some species, including waterfowl, small game, chukar, and gray partridge continue into the New Year, but to participate, 2015 bird and small game licenses are required. Waterfowl hunters will note that their Federal Migratory Bird and Conservation Stamp and Harvest Information Program permit are valid until June 30.
Hunters and anglers can also call (307) 777-4600 for more information.
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