Outdoor Pool Hours-Ask the City
Why did the open time for the outdoor pool change this summer to 12:00 p.m. instead of 11:00 a.m.? We have such a short summer in Laramie, it would be nice to get out and enjoy it as much as we can. Also, it seems to rain many afternoons in the summer, so the earlier the pool opens, the better!
"The outdoor pool will be open from noon to 5:30 this summer instead of opening at 11 a.m. for a couple of reasons. We are holding some of our swim lessons in the outdoor pool so as to not interfere with patrons wishing to use the indoor leisure pool. Lessons conclude at 11:45 a.m., just before the outdoor pool opens. Additionally, with the city facing reduced funding, we are trying to trim budgets in small ways where it will cause the smallest impacts. Our slowest hours last year at the outdoor pool were after 5 p.m. and before 12 p.m., which is why we chose those hours for opening and closing."
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