New Process to Expedite Contracts for Events at Cheyenne Venues
The Cheyenne City Council on Monday unanimously approved a resolution authorizing the community recreation and events director, events coordinator and treasurer to establish a process for expedited review and approval of contracts for events scheduled at city venues.
"This is allowing us to create a city offer sheet template that's been approved by the city treasurer and the city attorney," said Events Coordinator David Soules.
"We would ensure that that conforms to the contract that the artist brings back to us," Soules added. "If there's any issues with that contract we would certainly send it to legal and to the treasurer's for review and then the events coordinator would become an authorized signature on this contract."
"Under the prior executive director of the Civic Center, contracts were not submitted to either legal, the mayor's office or this body for review," said City Attorney Sylvia Hackl.
"With a change in leadership at the Civic Center a decision was made, appropriately, to reinvigorate the appropriate process, but it became clear very quickly that we didn't have the ability to get it through the entire council process fast enough sometimes to secure the acts," Hackl added.
Hackl says the new process "ensures that everything follows the exact template that protects the city, gets it turned around fast and enables the processes to go forward."