‘Moms Demand Action’ met with Wyoming lawmakers to try and make some changes to gun safety laws in the state. Their concern was the so called 2nd amendment freedom act that was originally tabled by the judiciary committee, then lifted.

“I believe the repeal of gun-free zones makes it safer, not unsafe, in the state of Wyoming. That’s why I brought it forward,” said Tim Salazar, Representative of District 34.

Senator Anthony Bouchard posted a picture of himself chatting with the group. "The Bloomberg crowd in the senate lobby." Wrote Bouchard. "My comment to them: I do NOT agree with their anti-gun agenda!”

“I think we’ve got to look at an issue not just on ideology or our general position on gun rights. More importantly, what affect those changes will have in long term on those individual entities,” said Charles Pelkey Representative of House District 45.

The House Judiciary Committee is expected to meet to further discuss House Bill 1-18 on Thursday, February 20.



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