LEDC President & CEO Takes Nevada Post
Effective February 8, 2013, Gaye Stockman will resign her position as President & CEO of Laramie Economic Development Corporation to take a newly created Economic Development President & CEO position in Mesquite, Nevada.
Stockman explained, "Many times opportunity results from being in the right place at the right time. Sometimes you find it and sometimes it seeks you. But when a good opportunity presents itself, you have to go for it."
"In May 2008, I found a great career growth opportunity here with the Laramie Economic Development Corporation. My tenure with this organization has been exciting and eventful. I am so proud to have served the fine people and businesses of this City and County. This community has an extremely exciting future in store for it."
"Recently, however, the opportunity for further growth and development found me here in Laramie. I guess Laramie has definitely been the right place for me to be during these past four plus years."
Megan Goetz, LEDC Chairwoman for LEDC Board of Directors, remarked, "Gaye has helped champion our mission and our projects while bringing a stellar layer of organization and consistency to LEDC. Gaye has taken a new job where she will be afforded the opportunity to continue pursuit of her economic development skills. She will be missed and we certainly wish her very well in her future endeavors."
Joe Somodi will serve as Interim President & CEO of LEDC following Gaye's departure and pending the candidate search. "Our Directors are very appreciative of Joe's skills and willingness to assist LEDC during this period of transition. Laramie's economic viability and future is so bright right now and we look forward to what will come," says Goetz.
A celebration of Gaye's time with LEDC and the organization's successes under her leadership will be held on Thursday, February 7, 2013 from 5-7pm in the lobby of ANB Bank.
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