The wildfire burning in the Ferris Mountains in Carbon County is calm now following cooler weather and moisture. The burn area, just over the western border of Natrona County, is also a popular hunting destination and fire management officials with the BLM want users to be cautious.

“Elk hunters, deer hunters, and antelope hunters in the area, we want to make sure that they’re aware. It actually effects a very small part of those draw units, but we do want to keep people out of the fire area. With the snow, things are going to be pretty calm, but you might see some smoke and things burning out.”

Darwin Schultz, with the Bureau of Land Management in Rawlins, says the hunting units in question have only small areas that have burned and many good hunting opportunities remain. He says, access to the Ferris Wilderness Study area is open, but hunters are requested to stay outside the fire perimeter.

“There are actually stump holes that have burned out, trees are gonna fall, and loose rocks are still gonna be up in the area. We also want hunters to be aware that fire is really good for the ecosystem. Its probably going to improve the hunting and it’s actually a very small part of their hunting unit, so very little is effected.”

The Ferris Mountain wildfire has been allowed to burn for its benefits to the forest ecosystem, and while the fire has calmed down, Schulz adds that warmer, dryer temperatures ahead, could mean pockets of fuel will continue to burn.



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