Governor Matt Mead and several business leaders from Wyoming will travel to Canada next week. The focus of the trip is developing new and expanded market opportunities for Wyoming’s economy. Such opportunities include both products and services.

Governor Mead will tour a coal port in British Columbia and learn more about that province’s export strategy and its opportunities, challenges and limitations. Another leg of the trip will take Governor Mead to Alberta’s oil sands.

The governor says Canada is Wyoming’s largest foreign trade partner and the state does about $2 billion worth of trade per year and there are even more opportunities to develop in Canada. Governor Mead will meet with provincial leaders in British Columbia and Alberta, talk to coal and rail representatives, visit a company that builds LNG engines, tour the largest hydrocarbon processing center in Canada, meet with Canadian companies that operate in Wyoming, and visit various facilities in the oil sands.

Governor Mead leaves Wyoming on June 12th and returns on June 19th.


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