The following is a media release from Governor Mead.

Governor Mead’s Statement on Florida Judge’s Ruling

U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson declared today that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional. Governor Matt Mead joined Wyoming in the multi-state lawsuit challenging the Act earlier in January.

Governor Mead said today, “From Wyoming’s perspective we don’t want it addressed at the national level in sort of this global fashion. The states have an opportunity and in my mind a duty to address this themselves to make sure we have better access to health care. But, the way this was approached not only it was unconstitutional, it was bad policy. So, if it is all thrown out and they start over I think that would be an improvement, but I think the better course of action is for it to be state led rather than from the federal government.”

Governor Mead also said that he did not view this as a partisan issue:

“The fact of the matter is, I think whether you are Republican, or Democrat or Independent, I think you ought to be concerned because this is such a big change in the way our country would operate, it’s a lot of money, and I think there is a valid Constitutional question and it should be challenged as if it is was a First Amendment or Second Amendment question.”


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