Author's note: There were similar questions about different businesses that received similar answers from the city, so they have been combined into one post to avoid redundancy.


When will Laramie get an In-N-Out Burger, Home Depot, or a King Soopers, etc.?


"The City of Laramie plays a role in the recruitment of business to the community by assisting the Laramie Chamber Business Alliance and Laramie Main Street Alliance with annual funding allocations to each entity. These partnerships are important to both recruitment and retention of businesses.

Through these relationships, the city assists each entity as requested with the expertise available in appropriate city departments with specific pertinent information related to particular inquiries from businesses considering Laramie as a site. In general, businesses conduct studies to determine if the demographics of the Laramie market fit the criteria of their business operation model prior to seeking information from the city or our partners.

This may be a question to pose to the Laramie Chamber Business Alliance (LCBA) or the Laramie Main Street Alliance (LMSA) for more information. LCBA can be reached at 307-745-7339 or at this link. LMSA can be reached at 307-760-3355 or this link.

Ask the City Of Laramie is your chance to send the city that burning question that you have always wondered about such as: “Why are there so many potholes on Grand Avenue?” or “Why did my water usage rates go through the roof?”

Please note that the City of Laramie will answer as many questions as possible at their discretion.

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