Boy Scouts in Laramie Are Hosting a Fundraising Dinner [VIDEO]
The High Altitude District of the Boy Scouts of America are inviting everyone to a prime rib dinner they're hosting Thursday, June 15.
This fundraiser involves all the local boy scout troops and will start at 6 p.m. at the LDS Stake, located at 3311 Hayford Ave. in Laramie.
District Director Carey Anson and committee member Karl McCraken explained all that's going on with the fundraiser and more during our 'Laramie Live on KOWB' morning show with host David Settle.
Tickets are $50 for one or $40 for two or more. They are available at Western States Bank, the West Laramie Fly Store or at the door. There's also door prizes and a silent auction as part of a fun-filled evening.