Beavers to be Removed From Spring Creek
The City of Laramie Parks Division has hired professional services to trap and relocate beavers from two locations on Spring Creek to prevent damage to park trees and shrubs.
The beaver removal process will protect neighborhoods from possible flooding.
The first location is the bridge that spans Spring Creek on Grand Avenue located near the City Springs pump station. Flooding at this site is a concern if materials from the beaver's impoundment wash away and lodge against a structure downstream.
Beavers will also be removed from the west footbridge within LaPrele Park. Trees in this area have already been damaged by beavers. Flooding could also occur if materials from the beaver-made impoundment lodge against a bridge or other structure.
Signs will be posted at both locations to protect children and pets from possible hazards. The City of Laramie urges residents to avoid these areas until all beavers are trapped and relocated to a suitable habitat.
For more information contact Parks Manager David Schott at (307) 721-5624.