Watch C-SPAN’s Stories About Laramie and Wyoming
Television viewers around the country spend the weekend in Laradise on November 2 and 3. C-SPAN declared it "Laramie Weekend" on its three cable networks.
In October crews from the public affairs cable network, C-SPAN visited various literary and historic sites in Laramie, interviewed local historians, and non-fiction authors in the area.
The programs they produced aired on the C-SPAN cable channels, and now you can watch them here:
Senator Alan Simpson Papers (Watch Here)
Wyoming Territorial Prison State Historic Site (Watch Here)
Deerwood Ranch Wild Horse EcoSanctuary (Watch Here)
Gender, Whiteness, and Power in Rodeo (Watch Here)
Women on the North American Plains (Watch Here)
Behind the Carbon Curtain (Watch Here)
J.C. Penney (Watch Here)
Rediscovering the Ivinsons (Watch Here)
Wyoming Women's Suffrage (Watch Here)
"C-SPAN's Cities Tour takes our Book TV and American History TV on the road. On the first and third weekend of each month, we'll feature the literary life and history of a selected city. Working with our cable partners, our producing team will take specially outfitted Local Content Vehicles (LCVs) into each city, visiting various literary and historic sites as we interview local historians, authors, and civic leaders. We'll also meet with students, teachers, elected officials, and organizations to talk about C-SPAN's mission in covering public affairs programming, and what the local connections are to national politics." C-SPAN Website

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