Youth Football Season is Here in Laramie
The youth football seasons in Laramie are just around the corner for the middle school and fourth through sixth graders.
Laramie Youth Football is currently holding registration online and also having equipment checkout Wednesday, August 14, and Thursday, August 15. Stop by the Laramie Plains Civic Center and enter off the south side of the building (Custer Street entrance) between 5:30 and 7 p.m. to get equipment for the upcoming season. Practice begins Monday, August 19. After some evaluation periods, coaches will draft players August 27. The season starts September 9.
Wednesday, August 14, is Fall Sports Night at Laramie Middle School for football. There is a meeting in the LMS cafeteria at 5:30 p.m. followed by equipment checkout. Practice for 7th and 8th-grade football begins on Thursday, August 15.
Laramie High School head coach Clint Reed is involved in trying to get more youth to play football in the Gem City. He discussed that topic with KOWB’s David Settle.
The high school season is underway with practice. The Plainsmen start Aug. 30 at home versus Kelly Walsh in a 6 p.m. kick-off at Deti Stadium.