Work Features the Colorado River Cutthroat Trout

CHEYENNE - The public is invited to attend the 36th annual Wyoming Game and Fish Conservation Stamp Art Show at 5 p.m. on Friday, March 29. This family-friendly event will be held in Cheyenne at the Game and Fish Headquarters, 5400 Bishop Blvd.

This year’s art show features the Colorado River cutthroat trout, one of six native Wyoming trout. Admission to the show is free, and the awards ceremony and artwork sales will begin at 6 p.m.

Wyoming Game And Fish Department
Wyoming Game And Fish Department

“This year we have 77 entries from artists across the country,” said Margaret James, Conservation Stamp Art Show coordinator. “Featuring the Colorado River cutthroat trout is exciting, and the quality of entries this year is exceptional.”

The cutthroat trout artwork selected as first place in this contest will be printed on the 2020 conservation stamp. The original piece of art will become the property of the Game and Fish on permanent public display in the Cheyenne Headquarters.

Colorado River cutthroat trout are found in the Green River and Little Snake river drainages. The Colorado River cutthroat prefers small, clear streams and rivers along with small to medium size lakes.

Arguably the most colorful Wyoming cutthroat, its body is bright, golden yellow with a brassy green back. Large spots are distributed uniformly on its body and caudal fin (tail), which are often larger and somewhat rectangular in shape on the caudal peduncle (the narrowest portion of the body).

The adipose fin usually has a black border. The fish’s belly has an orange to red tint that is most striking in males during the spring spawning season. Like other cutthroat trout, the fish have a distinctive red or orange slash mark under the jaw.

The Colorado River cutthroat is distinguished from other cutthroat subspecies by its bright colors and large spots and from a rainbow trout by the lack of white tips on its pelvic and anal fins and scarcity of spots on the head.

This year, prizes have been expanded to include winners in first through fifth place, allowing more artists to place in the contest. The first place winning artist will receive a $3,500 award; second place $2,000; third place $1,000; fourth place $500; and fifth place $250.

The event is sponsored by Girls Gone Gourmet Catering, Manitou Galleries, Wyoming Trout Unlimited, and Wyoming Wildlife Foundation. Artwork will be available for sale and will be on exhibit through May 17.

The Wyoming conservation stamp, which almost all hunters and anglers must purchase, originated in 1984 as part of Wyoming statute. Money from the sale of conservation stamps is used to support wildlife projects.

Visit, contact Sara DiRienzo at or call  307-777-4540 for more information.


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