On June 5, Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack  named the members who would be on the advisory committee for guiding and making recommendations to the U.S. Forest Service in implementing the recently adopted Planning Rule. Wyoming Stock Growers Association Executive Vice President Jim Magagna will be representing private landowners and grazing.

More than 220 people applied to serve on the committee and only 21 members were selected. The selected members represent an array of interests and wealth of knowledge with varying backgrounds, communities and locations. The group of members will provide feedback about the issues in implementing the planning rule to the Secretary of Agriculture and the U.S. Forest Service, according to a USDA news release.

Upon learning of the appointment Magagna  said,

“I welcome this opportunity to work with other diverse interests in providing input that can lead toward implementation of the rule in a manner that serves all users of Forest Service lands, in particular the livestock industry. While WSGA continues to have serious concerns with certain provisions in the rule including the ‘viability’ language, it is important that we become engaged in the implementation phase.”

Members of the advisory committee with offer their perspectives on land management issues under the new planning rule. The planning rule was created to provide stronger protections for forests, water and wildlife, while keeping the economic vitality stable in rural communities.

The public is encouraged to be involved in the rule-making process. The federal advisory committee is open to the public. The public can also participate in the early adopter forest plan revision efforts and can make comments on the proposed planning orders when they are released to the public for comments.

For questions or concerns about the U.S. Forest Service Planning Rule contact the W-S-G-A office at 307-638-3942.

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