The Wyoming State Bar will be participating in the Liberty Day, Adopt a School Program on April 29th, 2011. The programs goal is to provide a classroom visit, by a local lawyer who will present a number of different educational opportunities, to each fifth grade class in the state of Wyoming.

The program is a national voluntary effort that aims to educate all Americans about the content of our nations founding documents. The focus on April 29th is that of the United States Constitution. The program was successfully piloted in the state last year and gained positive feedback from students, educators and administrators alike.

The year the program will include an fun and engaging presentation, a twenty-four flashcard question and answer containing facts about the U.S. Constitution, and students will also be given  copies of the Constitution. Individual coordinators have been appointed by the Wyoming State Bar to assist in statewide efforts.

Anyone who may be interested in learning more about the program should call the Wyoming State Bar President Brian Hultman at 307-413-1996or by email at

If you would like to know more about the Liberty Day, visit their website!

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