A group that is leading the charge in the fight against methamphetamine, is changing the way that it’s getting its message out.

In an effort to communicate better with those who are inquiring about the dangers of methamphetamine, the Wyoming Meth Project has re-designed its website to be more interactive with visitors.

One targeted age group in particular is teenagers, who according to studies, tend to be the most curious.

Considering where modern technology is today, some teens think its a better way to learn about the dangers of meth, indirectly.

Devin Williams, Natrona County High School Junior: “Teens don’t really want to listen to people speak about it, they want to interact with it”

Williams says the new website format provides ways for visitors to learn of the effects of meth through such examples as simple games, virtual reality, and even video testimony and blogs from real meth users.

Williams: “For example on the question, ‘what does meth do to your body?’  you can play kind of like Doctor Operation. you can grab the tweezers and take the stuff out of the body and it gives you a description on what meth does to that specific part of the body. on the meth psychosis, you can take a flashlight and you move your mouse around, it looks like you’re going through the dark and it shows you what you would be seeing if you’re on meth. my favorite part is how they hired artists to create true stories and come to life and those are real people and I think it’s really fascinating.”

Taylor Olson of Kelly Walsh high school says she approves of the new approach.

Olson: “I think it’s really smart and it’s a good way to approach students especially at schools. the way they put things together kind of makes it more efficient for students and parents and everybody to kind of get involved.”

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