The Wyoming Highway Patrol says its troopers will be on the watch for anyone bringing marijuana from Colorado across the state line. The Patrol put out the warning Thursday, a day after recreational sales of pot became legal in Colorado.

Wyoming Highway Patrol Spokesman Sgt. Stephen Townsend says no extra patrols are planned but troopers will remain alert as usual for any criminal activity.  He says People with 3 ounces of pot or less risk being charged with a misdemeanor that carries a penalty of up to 12 months in jail and a fine up to $1,000. If found with an amount of marijuana over 3 ounces an individual will be charged with a felony which can result in imprisonment for not more than 5 years and/or a fine of not more than $10,000.00.

Townsend says just like alcohol, it is unlawful to drive a motor vehicle while under the influence of a controlled substance. A conviction of driving while under the influence of a controlled substance can get you imprisonment for not more than 6 months and/or a fine of not more than $750.00. Possession of drug paraphernalia is also a violation in the State of Wyoming.


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