Wyoming Game and Fish Department loves to give credit where credit is due. Tristen Brodrecht deserves every bit of credit they're willing to dish out.

Brodrecht, a 15 year old living along the North Platte River in Casper, is the youngest Ultimate Angler Award recipient. That is something anglers that have been fishing their entire life may never accomplish and Tristen did it before he could drive a car.

WGFD's 'Master Angler' program began to recognize an angler that has caught a trophy sized fish. It doesn't have to be a record breaking fish, but it has to be in the 'trophy' category, which has to measure over a specific length. The lengths of 'trophy' status vary according to fish species.

To qualify for the Ultimate Angler Award, you have to have 10 Master Angler Awards...yep 10 different species of fish, all at or above the trophy status.

The 15  year old began his journey to becoming an Ultimate Angler Award winner with large and small mouth bass, then took on the North Platte River around Casper to tackle the rivers trout.

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Tristen/ Ryan Brodrecht

Tristen told Wyoming Hookin' & Huntin' Outdoors, that thanks to his parents, he began hunting and fishing around the time he could walk. His father, Ryan, mentioned that fishing isn't a hobby for Tristen, it's his passion.

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Tristen/ Ryan Brodrecht

The feat of becoming Wyoming's youngest Ultimate Angler hasn't been easy and hasn't been overnight, but worth every minute of it.

Tristen says he began his goal of becoming an Ultimate Angler about 2 1/2 years ago and the key to his success was to fish as much as possible. Living close to the water meant, he was fishing almost every day.

In the interview, that can be heard on Wyoming Hookin & Huntin Outdoors, Tristen describes the drive for his passion.

The fish is just a bonus of just being outside and the peacefulness of all of it. The Master Angler was just a bonus, because it drives you to be out there more and catch bigger fish.

Tristen shares the secret to becoming an Ultimate Angler Award:

Just fishing every day consistently. In fishing is takes a lot about reading the water, reading the weather and reading the fish. Just trying to be throwing and what's not working. The main part is just fishing every day, trying new spots and new baits...there's a lot that goes into it.

Not only is Tristen a great fisherman, but is an all around outdoorsman. Outside of fishing, he loves to hunt and waterfowl hunting is probably his favorite.

Even though he has reached the Ultimate Angler status, Tristen says his goal is to keep fishing for more species of fish.

Tristen will receive his award at a ceremony at WGFD's Casper region office on Monday November 14th.

The way he's going now, Wyoming Game and Fish Department will need to create the 'Tristen Brodrecht Platinum Angler Award'. I think it has a good ring to it, don't you WGFD?

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Tristen/ Ryan Brodrecht

It's great to see the younger generation of Wyomingites that are continuing in the footsteps of Wyoming's hunting and fishing history.

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