WYDOT Advises of Construction on Happy Jack Road
The Wyoming Department of Transportation has sent an advisory to motorists and cyclists warning of reduced speeds and heavy machinery on Happy Jack Road between Laramie and Cheyenne.
Construction is underway from milepost 20.5 to 27 that will widen the lanes to 12 feet and increase the shoulders to six feet. There will also be an overlay.
WYDOT officials say Workers will be in the area during daylight hours as will pilot car operations with the accompanying minor delays. The work is projected to be complete by early October.
Tim Morton, a resident engineer on the project, says that there will be impacts on both motor vehicles and bicyclists.
"Especially to bikers. I know there's a lot of people who ride their bikes through that area," says Morton. "That's probably my biggest concern is for their safety, in getting through that section with heavy equipment and a the lack of shoulder."
The contractor for the project is Oftedal Construction, out of Casper. The project cost is $7.3 million and it is paid for by state general fund appropriations.