The state of Wyoming has seen a few wildfires and as some continue to burn state health officials are encouraging people to be aware of wildfire smoke and health concerns. Wyoming's dry climate and the always present wind are capable of carrying smoke from wildfires long distances. Smoke from wildfires can cause discomfort to a person's eyes and lungs and can contribute to other serious health issues.

Dr. Tracy Murphy is the acting state health officer for the Wyoming Department of Health. According to Murphy, eye irritation and respiratory problems are some of the symptoms a person might encounter from wildfire smoke. Murphy also said that symptoms of heart or lung diseases may worsen.

There are many common sense approaches to protecting your overall health when encountering dense smoke filled air. Extended and strenuous outdoor exercise should be avoided as well as staying outdoors for long periods of time. People with pre-existing heart and respiratory  conditions should keep out door activity to a minimum and keep aware of possible smoke related side effects. People with pre-existing conditions are more susceptible  to wildfire smoke.

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