Road construction projects are hardly ever convenient, but some projects definitely go better than others. The project on the intersection of 30th St and Grand Avenue was able to finish up eight days early, but it still forced drivers to detour away from a major part of Laramie for two months.

Of course, if we never put up with road construction, we would have to put up with horrible roads everywhere we went. On this project, the Wyoming Department of Transportation worked with the City of Laramie were able to add turn lanes, bring the intersection up to ADA standards, upgrade the storm sewers and drainage, improve traffic signals, and replace two water lines. But with so many businesses and drivers affected by the project, one has to wonder if the construction was worth the inconvenience for drivers and the drop in customers for the businesses in the area. Let us know what you think by answering the survey below.

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Have a local “Survey of the Day” question you want to ask about? Let us know! Survey results will be ready one week after the survey start date on the Laramie Live Radio Show, so listen in to KOWB 1290 AM weekday mornings at 8:05 a.m.

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