Nearly 700 female high school and middle school students from Wyoming will converge on the University of Wyoming Tuesday, May 14, for the Women in Science Conference.

The 14th annual Women in Science Conference, which will take place at various UW locations from 8:30 a.m.- 3 p.m., is designed to raise female students’ interest and excitement in science, technology, math and engineering (STEM) -- career fields typically dominated by men. The conference is organized by the Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium.

The conference will include hands-on workshops on a variety of science and technology-related topics, including learning about human anatomy, techniques to study wildlife, the chemistry of color and light, smart polymers, renewable energy and solar cells. Additionally, the conference will include tours of UW laboratories and research facilities; opportunities to meet professionals who "conduct science" on a daily basis in their careers; and even a live-animal assembly, courtesy of the Denver Zoo. Campus tours will be offered to introduce students to UW.


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