The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is once again offering to assist hunters interested in determining the age of a harvested animal.

Hunters who receive a tooth box can send teeth samples to the Forensic and Fish Health Lab located in Laramie.  By doing so, hunters will be contributing to the work of Game and Fish Biologists.

The first shipment of moose, elk, and deer teeth has been received by Tooth Aging Coordinator Miranda DeSmith with the Wyoming Game and Fish Wildlife Forensic and Fish Health Laboratory.

“This program is designed to provide Game and Fish Biologists with accurate age data for big game and trophy game in specific hunt areas. The age data is utilized by biologists for season setting and population management and it is also of interest for hunters,” said DeSmith.

Hunters who provide teeth of a harvested animal can use their license number to access the animal’s age online at https://wgfd.wyogov/Hunting/Tooth-Aging.

Ages for moose, elk, and deer harvested during this year’s season will be made available sometime between mid-February and March of 2016.

For more information, contact the Tooth Aging Coordinator at (307) 766-5617 or visit the Wyoming Game and Fish Department website.

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