University of Wyoming Seeks New Vice President
The University of Wyoming is looking for a new vice president of academic affairs.
Incoming UW President Dr. Laurie Nichols worked with Vice President for Research and Economic Development Bill Gern to appoint a 17-member committee tasked with the search.
The university has set a goal of having a new vice president for academic affairs in place by Aug. 1. Current Vice President David Jones will return to his faculty position in the College of Health Sciences.
Gern says the committee includes two deans as well as representation from each of the university’s seven academic colleges.
“The committee has virtually equal numbers of men and women on it,” says Gern. “This committee is very diverse and the reason why it is diverse is we really want to understand how we can look at each one of the applicants relative to how they can bring diversity onto the campus.”
The committee will seek input from the university community in a search process similar to the method used to select Dr. Nichols. Members will consider input from university constituents on desired qualifications and characteristics before reviewing applicants and submitting a list of finalists to the president, who will then recommend a selection to the Board of Trustees.
Candidates’ names will remain confidential until the names of finalists are released. As with the presidential search, finalists will visit campus for public forums, which the university expects to be held late in the spring semester.
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