A unique public art experience is coming to Laramie this weekend. The Front Porch Music Festival is Sunday, September 15 from noon to 7:00 PM.

Local musicians will be performing live on the front porches of Laramie for an intimate musical experience.

Front Porch Concert Series
Front Porch Concert Series
Front Porch Concert Series
Front Porch Concert Series

This event is the first of its kind here in Wyoming. We'll be highlighting over 25 local musical acts from funk and folk, to classical and country. This free festival is for and by the people of Laramie, and we encourage everyone to come out, walk around, yard to yard, enjoying the music” Sharon Martinson, Musical Director and event coordinator on behalf of LPAC.

LPAC is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization with a mission to enhance the unique visual and cultural vibrancy of Laramie and Albany County, in a manner that encourages participation and engagement from all our citizens and visitors. Funds from Wyoming Art Council, Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund, Pete Lien and Sons, the City of Laramie, Laramie Beautification Committee and Albany County Commissioners contribute to the operating costs of the Laramie Public Art Coalition said in a statement.

For more information about the event go here: facebook.com/events/677848809354246/ or laramiepublicart.org/event-schedule.


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