The Drunkest City in Wyoming is…
Well, we're not sure how much we really wanted to know this. But the folks at 24/7 Wall Street have looked at the statistics and determined the drunkest city in each of the 50 states.
And for Wyoming, the choice is...Casper.
Here is their summary...
50. Wyoming
> Drunkest city: Casper
> Pct. of adults binge or heavy drinking: 18.1%
> Pct. of state adults binge or heavy drinking: 18.5%
> Pct. of alcohol related driving deaths: 35.6%
There are only two metropolitan areas in Wyoming — Casper and Cheyenne. Residents of the area reporting the highest level of excessive drinking, Casper, do not drink much heavier than adults nationwide and actually less than Wyoming residents as a whole. Across the state, 18.5% of adults drink excessively, also right in line with the national excessive drinking level. Alcohol drinkers in Wyoming living outside metro areas likely drive up the overall state percentage.
Alcohol is involved in 35.6% of driving fatalities in Casper, in line with the state percentage — but both are well above the national incidence.
To see the complete list, click HERE.