Road-tripping motorists should notice some relief at the pump this Thanksgiving. senior petroleum analyst Patrick DeHaan says gas prices will be generally lower this holiday.

“Gasoline prices this Thanksgiving will likely be about 20 cents per gallon lower than last year, saving Americans $150 million per day,” DeHaan said. “That’s a big chunk of savings.”

DeHaan says the national average for a gallon of regular this Thanksgiving will settle at around $3.27. DeHaan also says, however, that there will be some notable nationwide fluctuations.

“There are some major differences in trends – the west and the Rockies are seeing prices dip slightly, meanwhile, along the Gulf Coast, prices are spiking after refinery issues have dogged that region,” DeHaan said. “The Great Lakes region saw prices spike last week, but will likely see prices go down this week.”

DeHaan says the average price in Wyoming will be about 20 cents lower.

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