Wyoming Man Dies In Saturday AvalancheWyoming Man Dies In Saturday AvalancheThe death is believed to be the first avalanche fatality anywhere in the country this year.Associated PressAssociated Press
Purchase Puts More of Wyoming Range Off-Limits to DrillingFederal law prohibits new oil and gas leasing in the area though older leases could still be drilled. Associated PressAssociated Press
Oil Drilling Wins OK in Wyoming RangeOil Drilling Wins OK in Wyoming RangeDistrict Ranger Don Kranendonk says that certain stipulations have been placed on True Oil to help protect the environment.Associated PressAssociated Press
Forest Service Decides Against Drilling in Wyoming RangeForest Service Decides Against Drilling in Wyoming RangeOil and gas leases in the forest were first offered for sale in 2005.Associated PressAssociated Press
Sportsmen’s Groups Send Letter Requesting Withdrawal of Wyoming Range leasesSportsmen’s Groups Send Letter Requesting Withdrawal of Wyoming Range leases28 Sportsmen groups signed onto a letter asking the Forest Service to use their authority to withdraw 35 parcels covering more than 44-thousand acres of oil and gas leases in the Wyoming Range.Chet YoderChet Yoder
Fundraising for Wyoming Gas Buyout Going SlowFundraising for Wyoming Gas Buyout Going SlowAn effort to buy oil and gas leases in western Wyoming to protect the land from development is raising funds at about half the speed needed.Associated PressAssociated Press