
Research Reveals Ways to Identify Dangerous People on Twitter
Research Reveals Ways to Identify Dangerous People on Twitter
Research Reveals Ways to Identify Dangerous People on Twitter
You might think you can distinguish between civil society and the dance of a maniac just by gazing into the hollow, unstable color of a person’s eyes, but a new study finds that it is actually a person’s Twitter account that tells the haunting tale of the mental defective.
Don’t Have a Lot of Twitter Followers? You Probably Like President Obama
Don’t Have a Lot of Twitter Followers? You Probably Like President Obama
Don’t Have a Lot of Twitter Followers? You Probably Like President Obama
During the last race for the White House in 2008, Barack Obama got many of his campaign donations from people who gave small amounts — but since there were a lot of them, they quickly added up to a substantial sum. As this year’s presidential campaign heats up, there’s a similar narrative — only this time it involves overall influence, and it’s playing out on Twitter.

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