
Worst Case of Autocorrect Causes School-Wide Lockdown
Worst Case of Autocorrect Causes School-Wide Lockdown
Worst Case of Autocorrect Causes School-Wide Lockdown
It’s happened to everyone — you text your husband or wife, “I love you with every fiber of my being,” but your phone actually sends, “I love you with every fiber of malaysia.” Most of the time it’s funny, but one person experienced the worst case of autocorrect ever. So bad, in fact, that it prompted a school-wide lockdown.
Why Would a Politician Call the Girl Scouts a ‘Radicalized Organization?’
Why Would a Politician Call the Girl Scouts a ‘Radicalized Organization?’
Why Would a Politician Call the Girl Scouts a ‘Radicalized Organization?’
State lawmakers in Indiana were recently presented with a resolution to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts organization and honor the positive influence the group has had on American women. Representative Bob Morris, a Republican from Fort Wayne, was the only representative to refuse to sign, citing a belief that the Girl Scouts is a “radicalized organization.”
Free Pot with Donation to Marijuana Dispensary Has Stoners Giving Back
Free Pot with Donation to Marijuana Dispensary Has Stoners Giving Back
Free Pot with Donation to Marijuana Dispensary Has Stoners Giving Back
Like most medical marijuana dispensaries, Granny Purps in Soquel, CA sometimes struggles with an image problem. While it genuinely believes it’s helping people, pot remains illegal at the federal level and the “stoner” culture often stigmatizes what is otherwise a legitimate operation. However, Granny Purps is trying to redeem itself in the eyes of the public. For the second year in a row, it’s fe
Man Endures Seven-Hour Flight While Standing, Obese Passenger Took Up His Seat
Man Endures Seven-Hour Flight While Standing, Obese Passenger Took Up His Seat
Man Endures Seven-Hour Flight While Standing, Obese Passenger Took Up His Seat
In the past year or so, several airlines have made headlines for insisting obese passengers buy two seats to accommodate their size and avoid infringing on the space occupied by others. Some people say the practice is unfair, but Arthur Berkowitz likely isn’t one of them. On a recent US Airlines flight from Anchorage to Philadelphia, he was forced to stand for the entire seven-hour trip when he wa
PETA Targets City of Turkey for a Vegan-Friendly Name Change [VIDEO]
PETA Targets City of Turkey for a Vegan-Friendly Name Change [VIDEO]
PETA Targets City of Turkey for a Vegan-Friendly Name Change [VIDEO]
The animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, better known as PETA, does some good work, but it’s the organization’s more absurd stunts that often make headlines — and this one is a prime example. Citing the suffering of turkeys during the Thanksgiving season, PETA sent a letter to the mayor of Turkey, Texas and asked him to change the town’s name to the tofu-based meat alte

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