Skepticism, Encouragement as Wyoming Weighs $1B Land DealSkepticism, Encouragement as Wyoming Weighs $1B Land DealBoard members met in executive session and didn’t reconvene in public by deadline.Associated PressAssociated Press
Wyoming Officials to Meet Monday on Possible $1B Land BidWyoming Officials to Meet Monday on Possible $1B Land BidProponents say the land could provide a better return than some current state investments. Associated PressAssociated Press
Oil Company Extends Bid Deadline for Connecticut-Size Lands in WyomingOil Company Extends Bid Deadline for Connecticut-Size Lands in WyomingWyoming's purchase money would come from state investment funds.Associated PressAssociated Press
Court: Montana Family Owns Dinosaur Fossils Worth MillionsCourt: Montana Family Owns Dinosaur Fossils Worth MillionsThe owners of the mineral rights appealed.Associated PressAssociated Press
Wyoming County Seeks to Acquire US Lands Along RiversWyoming County Seeks to Acquire US Lands Along RiversCommissioners have authorized spending $30,000 on the first phase.Associated PressAssociated Press
Jackson Hole Parcel Added to Grand Teton National ParkJackson Hole Parcel Added to Grand Teton National ParkThe Conservation Fund took part in acquiring the land from a private owner.Associated PressAssociated Press
Teton Park Acquiring Small Parcel Inside Park BoundariesTeton Park Acquiring Small Parcel Inside Park BoundariesOfficials declined to say what the sale price was.Associated PressAssociated Press
Stock Growers Land Trust Conserves Ranch Land Near LanderStock Growers Land Trust Conserves Ranch Land Near LanderThe property is home to crucial moose habitat as well as sage grouse habitat.Associated PressAssociated Press