Groups Ask Court to Restore Protections for US Gray WolvesGroups Ask Court to Restore Protections for US Gray WolvesThe U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said gray wolves have exceeded goals for recovery.Associated PressAssociated Press
Wolves Rebound, Delisted. Now, Future up to VotersWolves Rebound, Delisted. Now, Future up to VotersThe Trump administration on Thursday stripped wolves of government protections across most of the U.S.Associated PressAssociated Press
Yellowstone Visitor Alert: Biologists Extend Grizzly Captures in ParkYellowstone Visitor Alert: Biologists Extend Grizzly Captures in ParkCapture operations can include a variety of activities in a variety of areas.Tom MortonTom Morton
Lawsuit Filed to Stop Idaho-Wyoming Natural Gas PipelineLawsuit Filed to Stop Idaho-Wyoming Natural Gas PipelineThe groups filed the lawsuit Monday against the U.S. Forest Service.Associated PressAssociated Press
Environmental Groups Aim to Intervene in Sage Grouse LawsuitEnvironmental Groups Aim to Intervene in Sage Grouse LawsuitThe ranchers sued in 2018, aiming for more grazing rights.Associated PressAssociated Press
Wyo Officials Criticize Federal Judge’s Grizzly DecisionWyo Officials Criticize Federal Judge’s Grizzly DecisionThe U.S. District Court judge ordered federal protections restored for grizzly bears in the Northern Rocky Mountains.Susan BurkSusan Burk
Judge Restores Protections for Grizzly Bears, Blocking HuntsJudge Restores Protections for Grizzly Bears, Blocking HuntsState and federal officials reacted with disappointment.Associated PressAssociated Press
Endangered Species Act SolutionEndangered Species Act SolutionA new research brief from the University of Wyoming Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources proposes a solution to many state’s frustration at their diminished role in species management. Sara TeterSara Teter