CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — Government officials lighted a menorah in the Wyoming Capitol on Monday, marking the sixth annual celebration there of Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights.

Chabad Rabbi Zalman Mendelsohn of Jackson presided over the event, which featured musical presentations from local schools and a U.S. Army band.

Gov. Matt Mead and First Lady Carol Mead lighted one of the electric "candles" on the menorah. The eight-day Hanukkah celebration, which started last week, involves lighting one additional candle each night. Gov. Mead said Hanukkah stands as a powerful symbol of light overtaking darkness.

Cheyenne Mayor Rick Kaysen said Jews were among the first settlers in Cheyenne after the arrival of the railroad in the 1860s. He says they found the religious freedom they were seeking in Wyoming, the "Equality State."

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