Warm temperatures this week could tempt gardeners to get outside and mid-winter just happens to be the perfect time for one type of project.

“We tend to have a few days each month where the temperatures get up above 40 degrees and we can get out in the yard. It’s really a good time to be doing some pruning on all of our plants, shrubs and trees. That way when they leaf out in the Spring we have all of that pruning done and they don’t expend energy putting on leaves that we’re going to eventually cut off.”

Donna Cuin is a horticulturalist at the University Ag Extension offices here in Casper and she says pruning in Winter is also a good idea , because with out leaves you can see the shape of the tree or shrub making pruning decisions easier. Another thing she says people may not think about is that evergreens can really use some watering. Even though we’ve had some snow, Cuin says the water content has been low.

“If we have temperatures about 40 degrees when there’s no wind, its a great time to drag out the garden hose and get those plants some extra water.”

She reminds you to be sure and drain the hoses before you put them away again so they’re in good working order in the Spring.

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