Governor Matt Mead says he supports a significant natural gas development in Carbon and Sweetwater Counties, which would create thousands of jobs in Wyoming.  The project is called the Continental Divide-Creston Natural Gas Development Project (CD-C Project). Operators have proposed a play with 8,950 oil and gas wells.

Governor Mead sent several comments to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) with ideas to make sure that the project is done in a way that reduces environmental impacts and maximizes production.

In his comments to the BLM Governor Mead noted a problematic situation with the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), it does not have a preferred alternative. He asks that the BLM work with cooperating agencies and select a preferred alternative before the agency’s final decision. Governor Mead also urged the BLM to use proper reclamation to benefit wildlife and grazing permittees, and also to do a more thorough analysis of socioeconomic impacts of each alternative.


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