After a shoutout in the season premiere of Cartoon Network's popular show "Rick & Morty" led to a petition that gained more than 40,000 signatures, McDonald's is bringing back their promotional Szechuan sauce. McDonald's originally debuted the sauce in 1998 to promote Disney's "Mulan."

"Rick & Morty" co-creator Justin Roiland was sent a jug of the sauce back in July, when the petition had 38,000 signatures. The decision to bring the sauce back into stores was announced on Monday.

The company is offering the sauce on a "really, really limited" first come, first serve basis to help promote the release of their buttermilk chicken tenders.The only Wyoming location to receive the Szechuan sauce will be Laramie's newly re-constructed Grand Avenue McDonald's. Szechuan devotees will be able to get the sauce starting at 2 p.m. on Saturday, October 7 while supplies last.

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