LARAMIE -- Acclaimed humorist and award-winning author Dave Barry will speak at the University of Wyoming on Thursday, April 18.

But time is running out to make a reservation - go to by tomorrow - Wednesday, April 3.

Dave Barry
Daniel Portnoy

Barry is an American author and columnist who wrote a nationally syndicated humor column for the Miami Herald from 1983 to 2005. He has also written numerous books of humor and parody, as well as comic novels. Barry's honors include the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary and the Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism.

One of Barry's columns was largely responsible for the movement to observe International Talk Like a Pirate Day every year on September 19, one of his most enduring, if not endearing, achievements.

Barry has written more than 30 books, including the novels Big Trouble, Lunatics, Tricky Business and, most recently, Insane City. Two of Barry's books were the basis for the CBS sitcom Dave's World. Barry lives in Miami with his family.

His presentation, which is free and open to the public, will be at 1:30 p.m. on the 18th, in the Wyoming Union Ballroom. The University Store will host a book signing following the talk. No audio or video recordings or flash photography will be permitted during the event.

Barry’s presentation, part of the UW Libraries Development Board’s annual author event, is funded by the McMurry-Spieles Endowment for Library Excellence. Members of the development board will host a luncheon with Barry at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 17.

Those attending the afternoon talk are encouraged to arrive early to allow time for parking and seating. UW Transit and Parking Services will provide complimentary parking in “A” spaces in the Wyo Hall and McWhinnie Hall parking lots from noon-4 p.m.

Metered parking also will be available at the regular fee, and day permits may be purchased at the Wyoming Union information desk. In addition, attendees can use the free shuttle service. For more information about campus parking and shuttle services, visit

Call UW Libraries at 307-766-3641, email, or visit for more information about Barry’s presentation.

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